Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fireplace Planter Box

After all that talk about de-cluttering and easy cleaning I have gone and done the stupidest thing.  But my desire to live out my own childhood fantasies has trumped common sense.

So, come visit little dust mites,  build your web here spiders.  I don't care because if I could I would climb into this patch of flowers and take a nap with the butterflies.  Yes, I still kind of believe in fairies.
Last time you saw it looked like this.

After a visit to the dollar store I was armed with flowers and floral sponge.

I let Pearl poke all the flowers into the sponge, which was nice of me because it is oddly satisfying.  All I had to do next was arrange the rectangles in the box.  I had to use rocks to hold down the tall flowers.  

Once everything was in place I bent the flowers to give them a more natural shape and added dollar store butterflies.  I am searching for a little metal watering can so Pearl can "water" her flowers.  I think I have found the fountain of youth.

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